Thoughts from a Management Lawyer
Thoughts from a Management Lawyer
After having a note linking a page of ours to this blog we felt that it would be fair to also link his to ours.
Take a look as he covers some interesting items in labour relations. Take note that there is a slant towards the management view.
After having a note linking a page of ours to this blog we felt that it would be fair to also link his to ours.
Take a look as he covers some interesting items in labour relations. Take note that there is a slant towards the management view.
At Friday, 24 February, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Thanks very much for linking to my blog. I've been reading yours almost from the beginning and have found it interesting reading.
Though I understand that the title to my blog would suggest, as you say, a "slanted view", I really have tried over the past 3 years to stay pretty balanced in my writing on my blog, generally reporting on the news of the day rather than taking a position one way or the other.
Keep up the good work on your blog and I look forward to continuing to read it.
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